I work with busy mums in 1 – 1 and group programmes where I hold your hand and take you through the steps you need to take to go from overwhelm to clarity and take action to build a productive and profitable business
I have a no nonsense approach so I won’t take any excuses for not doing the work – no laziness allowed!! At the end of the day, I don’t want to waste either of our time if you aren’t prepared to do the work as I could be working with another mum who will do whatever it takes to build her own super successful business
If you want someone who will tell you what you want to hear, go elsewhere – I’m not the person for you
However, if you want someone to show you step by step EXACTLY what you need to be doing, act as your guide so you avoid the common mistakes and also keep you accountable (giving you a kick up the bum when you need it!) – then I’m your girl
If you want my full story on how I got started on my journey to self employment, check out my profile
How can you work with me?
Business Boost Call

During your 60 minute session (using Zoom), we can get clear on what your perfect business will be like and how you CAN achieve it, as well as create a clear plan outlining the steps you need to take in the next 90 days – making sure it is completely doable looking after the kids as well
This is your call so you can decide what specific areas you want to focus on, this could include:
✅ Figuring out how to go from idea to product or service to avoid overwhelm
✅ Crafting your marketing message so it speaks only to your ideal clients
✅ Mapping out how to automate and streamline your business
✅ Specific strategies to leverage your time
✅ How to become a productivity queen
✅ Discover where you are wasting opportunities to be earning additional income in your business (this applies to both new and existing business mums!)
Get all the details and book your call >>
Mumpreneur Success Programme

I work with a small number of mums 1 – 1 to really get to know you, focus on your business, your issues, your challenges. I will get down and dirty with you to help you create the business you dream of
I will work with you initially over 3 months with coaching calls, email support and accountability. We will go through all the different elements you need to ditch the overwhelm, side step the guilt and become the business owner you dreamed of.
✅ We will get on the phone each week working through the different elements of the programme
✅ You will have a clear plan of what you need to do after each call so that you can start taking action immediately
✅ You can message me in between sessions if you need any clarity, feedback or support
Get all the details and book your spot now >>
Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp

The Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp is a 10 week online training programme that gives you bite sized but more importantly, manageable steps you need to take so that you actually do the work
There’s no point doing this programme if you don’t do the work!
We will work together over 10 weeks to get your business set for success.
You’ll get me by your side, guiding you every step towards your own successful business that fits in with the kids.
There’s lots that we will go through on this Bootcamp, including:
✅ MODULE 1: Boundaries, Productivity & Getting Shit Done
Overwhelm central – a crash course in ditching the overwhelm bitch!
✅ MODULE 2: Nailing Your Ideal Client
We look at the types of people you want to be working with and where you can find them
✅ MODULE 3: Social Media Marketing
We look at your branding and the type of content you need to be focusing on
✅ MODULE 4: Overview of What Your Website Does & Doesn’t Need
We focus on keeping things simple so lets get your website done and dusted and live
✅ MODULE 5: Easy List Building Strategies
Getting people on your list is a top priority so we look at the strategies you can be using in your business
✅ MODULE 6: How to Make Sales Without Selling Your Soul
Sales doesn’t have to be about selling your soul or being icky, you can still be authentically you and make sales
✅ MODULE 7: Staying Out of Overwhelm to Get Shit Done
There’s no point doing all this work if you’re going to fall into overwhelm again. We will look at ways for you to stay out of overwhelm
Get all the details and book your place now >>
VIP Intensive Day

We will pack months of coaching, mentoring and learning into a 1 day strategy session that focuses solely on your business
What would it mean to you if you could have a step by step blueprint and plan you can follow to really build your business to the level you know it can be?
That’s exactly what will happen at one of my VIP Intensive Strategy Days.
Get all the details and book your place >>